the memory evokes, forget what time (2014)


Duration: 6 mins
Instrumentation: Bassoon & Piano
Premiere: July 16, 2014 by Sarah Bobrow and Sar-Shalom Strong at Episcopal Hall in Cazenovia, NY..
Commission Info: Commissioned by the Society for New Music's 2014 Rising Stars Concert

Program Notes:

The title of my work, the memory evokes, forget what time was a happy accident. I was researching Brazilian orchestras and, not being able to speak Portuguese myself, was using Google to translate their websites into English. Internet translators being imperfect tools, they sometimes create funny or even beautiful turns of phrases. I’m not sure what the original sentence was, but when I saw the phrase ‘the memory evokes, forget what time’, I immediately wrote it down. The note sat on my desk for a few months before it became the title of a new work.

Over the past few years many of my works have passages that erupt into loud, cacophonous, often violent climaxes. the memory evokes, forget what time represents a conscious step away from this. It also continues a desire to create music that exists without a defined sense of pulse or meter. The bassoon and piano almost never line up together, their note changes are usually off by an eighth or a triplet, creating the feeling that these are two individuals floating in each other’s atmospheres. Like two objects caught in the other’s orbit, the players are simultaneously independent of and reliant upon one another.




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